Quality Health Care for Your Cat or Dog.

Flea and Tick Prevention
Our Vet Takes His Time With Your Pet
Flea and tick prevention is incredibly important when it comes to pet care. You don’t want your cat or dog constantly scratching and itching because he or she feels so uncomfortable. We carry the following brands:
- Trifexis
- Comfortis
- Frontline Tritak
- Advantage
- Revolution
Contact Beach View Veterinary Hospital today!
Advantage® Is the Fastest Flea Relief You Can Buy
- It stops fleas from biting in less than five minutes
- It starts killing fleas within an hour
- It ends the pain and suffering caused by biting fleas
Advantage Stops the Misery of Biting Fleas
- It kills 98 to 100 percent of fleas within 12 hours of initial application and keeps working all month long.
- New fleas that come in contact with treated pets are killed within two hours.
Fleas can spread disease and cause medical problems.
- Fleas suck blood when they bite, causing itching and irritation.
- They can cause flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), the most common allergic skin disease of dogs and cats
- Fleas can spread tapeworm larvae to your pet
- They can transmit cat scratch disease, which call be transmitted from cats to humans
- Severe infestations can cause anemia and even result in death to puppies and kittens
Advantage Keeps Working Even If Your Pet Gets Wet
Advantage is water resistant. It keeps killing fleas even after swimming, shampooing or exposure to rain or sunlight.
It’s tough on fleas, but gentle on pets.
- You can use Advantage on puppies as young as seven weeks and kittens as young as eight weeks of age
- It’s gentle enough to use as often as once a week
- It can be used on dogs of any weight and size
Using Advantage Early Protects Your Pet and Your Home
- By starting now, before you see a flea, you can prevent infestation before it occurs
- Advantage also kills fleas before they lay eggs, preventing them from developing
Advantage® prevents future infestations by breaking the flea life cycle.
- Advantage kills adult fleas before they can lay eggs and multiply
- It kills flea larvae on contact – before they mature
- By killing larvae, Advantage prevents pupae, this eliminates the need for other flea products, including environmental controls
- Advantage stops your pet’s suffering by ending the vicious life cycle of fleas in your home
Advantage® Is Topical, so It’s Easy to Apply
To apply to dogs:
- Part the hair between your dog’s shoulders
- Apply directly to the skin between the shoulder blades by squeezing out the tube’s contents
- On larger dogs, apply evenly to three or four spots along the dog’s back, from the shoulders to the base of the tail
- Your dog’s natural movements will help spread Advantage over the skin
To apply to cats:
- Part the hair on the back of the neck at the base of the skull
- Apply directly to the skin by squeezing out the entire contents of the tube
- Your cat’s natural movements will help spread Advantage over the skin
K9 Advantix ® Provides Effective Protection Against Ticks Because It Repels and Kills
- Repels and kills all major types of ticks, including the deer tick, the American dog tick, the brown dog tick and the lone star tick
- If a tick is repelled, it doesn’t bite. If it doesn’t bite, it can’t spread the infectious organisms that may cause diseases
- Gentle enough for puppies as young as 7 weeks of age and dogs of any weight
- Injected ticks can transmit organisms that cause diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, and tularemia.
How it works on ticks:
- The tick comes in brief contact with your dog that has been treated with “K9 Advantix”
- The tick becomes uncomfortable and leaves your dog
- The tick is rapidly paralyzed and dies
K9 Advantix® Contains Imidacloprid, Which Provides Fast Topical Relief From Biting Fleas
- Stops biting fleas in 3-5 minutes
- Kills adult fleas before they lay eggs
- Kills 98%-100% of fleas within 12 hours of initial application and keeps working for a full month
- Kills flea larvae in the pet’s surroundings before they develop into biting fleas
The problem with biting fleas:
- Skin problems: Flea bites can cause flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), one of the more common skin allergies in dogs. Additionally, they can play a role in skin infections
- Intestinal parasites: Ingested fleas can transmit tapeworms, one of the most common intestinal parasites seen by pet owners
- Anemia: Puppies as well as older and sick dogs infested with fleas can become anemic. Heavy flea infestations may even cause death
K9 Advantix® Keeps Pesky Mosquitoes From Making Your Dog Miserable
K9 Advantix kills up to 98.3% of mosquitoes and inhibits feeding up to 95.2% within 1 hour on treated dogs.
The problem with biting mosquitoes:
- Biting mosquitoes are irritating to dogs, causing them to scratch, which can lead to secondary skin infections
- Stress from biting can be severe with large populations of mosquitoes
- The mosquito can be a carrier of viral and parasitic disease organisms
Your Veterinarian Is the Best Source for Your Pet’s Health Information
We know your pet is a part of your family. Just as you would talk to your family doctor about a medicine prescribed for you, you should talk to your veterinarian about your pet’s medications. They are the best resource for accurate information about all of your pet’s healthcare needs, including parasite protection.
Month-Long Flea Protection in a Flavored Tablet
- Fast – starts killing fleas within 30 minutes
- Effective – lasts a full month
- Convenient – doesn’t wash, rub, groom or shake off
- Family-friendly – no need to isolate your pet after treatment
- Safe – approved by the FDA and available by prescription only
- Dogs and puppies 14 weeks and older and 3.3 lbs and greater
- Cats and kittens 14 weeks and older and 2 lbs and greater
Comfortis Is an Ideal Choice for Flea Protection If You
- Have pets that need immediate flea relief
- Want to avoid mess and inconvenience
- Have pets that swim, bathe or groom frequently
- Have children or multiple pets in your home
- Have pets with skin or dermatological issues
A Threat to Your Pet’s Health
- Fleas may cause severe discomfort, including scratching, chewing, biting and restlessness
- Fleas are the source of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), the most common veterinary skin condition
- Severe flea infestations may cause anemia
- Fleas may also transmit tapeworm infection and bartonellosis
For the Best Flea Control Results
- Administer Comfortis with food for maximum effectiveness
- Comfortis can be chewed or administered like other tablet medications
- Monthly treatment with Comfortis should continue the entire year without interruption. Ask your veterinarian about your pet’s specific needs
- To minimize the likelihood of flea re-infestation, treat all animals in your household with an approved flea control product
- Eliminate fleas in your home by vacuuming where your pet sits and sleeps and launder bedding
How Dangerous Are Parasites to My Dog?
For families with dogs, parasites like heartworm, fleas, ear mites and sarcoptic mites can be more than harmful. They may be devastating. Left untreated, heartworm can be fatal to a dog. What’s worse, some of these external parasites are contagious and may be spread from one pet to another and sometimes even to humans. Fortunately, thanks to Revolution, there’s now an easy way to protect your dog against all of these parasites.
Why Is Revolution Different?
FDA-approved Revolution is not a pesticide. Revolution is the only topical medicine that protects dogs against fleas and heartworm and several other harmful parasites, inside and out. It takes more than two separate products to get the same protection that Revolution provides in one medicine.
Is Revolution Safe to Use?
It’s safe for puppies as young as 6 weeks, breeding males and females, and pregnant and nursing dogs. Revolution is generally well-tolerated. In studies, less than 1% of dogs experienced digestive upset. Use with caution in sick, weak or underweight animals. See back panel for prescribing information.
Revolution Protects Your Dog Against Multiple Parasites
Prevents and controls flea infestations
A problem on pets and in their environment. Fleas cause itching, scratching and discomfort, which can lead to a disease called flea allergy dermatitis.
Prevents heartworm disease
Heartworm disease can cause respiratory disease and can even be fatal. Treating it can be difficult and costly – yet prevention is simple.
Treats and controls ear mites
Easily passed from pet to pet, ear mites cause intense irritation and discomfort.
Treats and controls sarcoptic mites
Intensely itchy skin, hair loss and rash can result from these microscopic mites. And they’re contagious; people can catch them from their pets.
Controls American dog tick infestations
Commonly found in fields, woods and grassy areas, this type of tick can transmit multiple diseases.
Revolution is 100% satisfaction guaranteed. If you’re not completely satisfied with Revolution for any reason, we’ll replace the product or refund the purchase price. See your veterinarian for details.
Flea and Tick Prevention that is veterinarian recommended
“Love Dr. Brumfield. What a great vet! Prices are great, and he takes his time with you and your pet. Great experiences with him.”
Rick R.
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Biloxi, MS 39530